My Philosophy

It is my belief that internalizing biblical principles is a highly effective tool for maintaining an eternal perspective, while navigating the rigors of this fleshly existence.  Unfortunately, the vile influences that intrude upon our cognition as we travel this journey, make it difficult to retain God in our thinking.  So it gives me great pleasure to use my gifts and talents to create an array of engaging focal points that place the truth of God’s Word in plain sight where life unfolds around us each day.  And I hope to encourage other Artists from all genres to use their talents likewise.

I embrace this hope because I believe that the useless white noise and toxic poison that bids for our attention can be easily outbid by powerful artistry that edifies God. And because we are created to glorify Him, the stage is set for disciples of Christ to feed those who hunger for truth.  I believe that life giving sustenance can be served up from the walls and pedestals of gallery art.  It can be home grown within environmental art.  It can be savored from center stage, or devoured from written page.  Art that speaks can be splashed across the silver screen, the television screen, or the computer screen as long as it feed the masses. 

Art that is created with an eternal perspective can reach us through a lowly wall hanging in the privacy of a porcelain throne room... if that's where God choose to speak to us.  Regardless of the vehicle or origin of art... it has the power to burn an indelible imprint onto our psyche; and when that happens, the message portrayed will revisit us again and again in times of wavering commitment to living out our faith.

And for this reason, I wish to raise an awareness of God in the Arts; pouring nutritional value into creativity and entertainment simply because believers hunger for it.  But more importantly sharing God through the Arts will challenge the thinking of those who have not yet come to the knowledge of Christ, and stir the hearts and minds of the lost to accept the grace of God and LIVE.